Think On The Page

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Think On The Page


Think On The Page is a self-published collection of short comics By Sarah Firth, from early 2020 to early 2021. The book wrestles with a broad range of important topics, and the juicy complexities, frustrations, and joys of internal and external worlds. It’s energetic, insightful, funny, irreverent, and comfortingly relatable. It will get you thinking differently about everyday experiences and how to live into questions and uncertainty.

Think On The Page is making its debut at the 2021 Toronto Comic Arts Festival.

268pp perfect bound, 140mm x 140mm, cover 300 gsm inner 120 gsm

Praise for Think On The Page:

“These comics are a joy to read. They manage to be surprising, confronting and comforting all at once, and reflect many thoughts and feelings I’ve long struggled to articulate. It makes me want to be more honest with myself and actually do the hard work of figuring out how I feel about things. I adore the imaginative, funny, and insightful ways she finds to navigate and reframe the complexities of living today.”

– Fionn Macabe, cartoonist and educator.

“Sarah takes us on a multi-faceted, inter-dimensional journey, as one of the world’s sharpest thinkers-on-the-page. With her keen eye for extracting the both/and nature of reality, she invites us to settle in and ‘stay with the trouble’. This book gives us permission to be our gloriously flawed selves as we all navigate through the gnarly non-linear pathways of life.”

- Dr Kim Lam illustrator, writer, and veterinarian.

“This book feels as if all our personal data, plus all the emotions and complex realities heightened by the pandemic, came to life in graphic form, and gave you a cuddle. Sarah has such skill in communicating our shared fears, doubts and unexpected emotional silver linings. Her ability to process and communicate emotional intelligence is masterful and at times wryly funny. She digs deep into these connected/disconnected times we are living in, covering topics such as; listening to our bodies, opening our eyes to political events, disparities, natural disasters and most importantly celebrating the intimate relations of our inner thighs by embracing the 'Chub Rub' (finally!)”

– Tai Snaith, artist and author.

“Sarah has an excellent brain. This collection draws together her unique thoughts on how to live, create, survive, and thrive. It's filled with a kind of questioning wisdom, an openness and probing mind, trying to figure out how to be.”

– Michael Livingston, researcher and book lover.

“Think On The Page is a delicious hit of philosophy, mixed with self-deprecating, irreverent humour. Sarah takes on “hot” topics in unexpected ways, giving us sharp reflections of modern life that are funny, poignant, emotive, and insightful.

- Honor Eastly, creator of the critically acclaimed podcast, “No Feeling is Final”.

“Sarah is an a-grade cartoonist, humourist, philosopher and lover of whimsy. This gloriously idiosyncratic collection of short works goes deep and quick into the unexpected tangents of 2020. Firth’s comedy shines, rendering the ordinary glorious, profound, silly and surreal, while also cunningly putting your tired brain to work.”

- Eleri Mai Harris, award-winning cartoonist, journalist, and Features Editor at The Nib.

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